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The Wednesday Web Jams are experiments to learn and co-create together as community of practitioners. It is our aim to explore and develop the knowledge and skills needed for a new emerging reality.
We welcome designers, facilitators, innovators, and experimentalists. When you strive for change and need space to experiment, start here. We support experiments never done before.
Wednesday Web Jam (a.k.a. “The Crew”) set their target on bringing every single wednesday, 17:00 CET, a 1-hour online learning experience, for free, to a maximum number of 100 participants each time. The concept gathered a growing community .
We welcome designers, facilitators, innovators, and experimentalists. When you strive for change and need space to experiment, start here. We support experiments never done before.
Wednesday Web Jam (a.k.a. “The Crew”) set their target on bringing every single wednesday, 17:00 CET, a 1-hour online learning experience, for free, to a maximum number of 100 participants each time. The concept gathered a growing community .
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